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31 results German - English substring search »
Krebs   -   cancer
Krebs {m} (Krankheit)   -   cancer
Krebs {m} (Sternzeichen)   -   Cancer
Alkylat   -   alkylate, anti-cancer treatment (medical)
Karzinom, bösartige Geschwulst   -   carcinoma, cancer, malignant tumor (medical)
zytotoxisch, zellschädigend   -   cytotoxic, cancer drug (medical)
Epitheliom, Epithelioma, Karzinom   -   skin cancer, malignant epithelioma, skin carcinoma (medical)
[ Personenname ]   -   Cancer
Antibiogramm, Testung individuellen Erregerempfindlichkeit   -   antibiogram, part of cancer treatment (medical)
Antimitotikum, Mitosehemmer   -   antimitotic, anti-cancer drug (medical)
Brustkrebs {m}   -   breast cancer
Magenkrebs {m}   -   stomach cancer
geschwulsthemmend   -   antitumor, anti-cancer drug (medical)
Karzinom {n}; Krebsgeschwulst {f}   -   carcinoma; cancer
krebserzeugend, krebserregend, karzinogen   -   carcinogenic, cancer-causing (medical)
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"If there isn't a population problem, why is the government putting cancer in the cigarettes?" -- the elder Steptoe, c. 1970
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