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10 results German - English substring search »
Stoffe {pl}; Substanzen {pl}   -   substances
Lipid, Fett   -   lipid a heterogeneous, water-insoluble group of fats and fatlike substances (medical)
Fremdkörper {pl}   -   foreign substances
Fremdkörpern   -   foreign substances
Gefahrstoffverordnung (GefStoffV)   -   Ordinance on Hazardous Substances
Gesetz zum Schutz vor schädlichen Stoffen   -   Act on Protection against Hazardous Substances
Verbleib und Verhalten von Stoffen in der Umwelt   -   fate and behavior of substances in the environment
Verbleib und Verhalten von Stoffen in der Umwelt   -   fate and behaviour of substances in the environment
frei von bakteriziden und wachstumshemmenden Substanzen   -   free from bactericidal and inhibitory substances
durch Chemikalien verursachte Cystitis   -   chemical cystitis- cystitis caused by exposure to certain chemical substances (medical)
Chemicals, n.: Noxious substances from which modern foods are made.
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