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58 results German - English substring search »
Theater   -   theatre
Gedöns, Theater {n}   -   kerfuffle
Theater spielen   -   to act
dem Theater zugehörig   -   thespian
Mach kein Theater!   -   Don't fuss!
Theater {n}   -   theatre; theater [Am.]
Freilichtbuehne   -   open air theater
Freilichtbühne {f}   -   open air theater
Theater {pl}   -   theatres; theaters [Am.]
Schauplatz {m}   -   theatre; theater [Am.]
Es ist nur Theater.   -   It's just an act.
Schauspielhaus {n}   -   theatre; theater [Am.]
Kammerspiele {pl}   -   intimate theatre; ntimate theater [Am.]
Varietétheater {n}   -   variety theatre; variety theater [Am.]
Varietétheater {pl}   -   variety theatres; variety theaters [Am.]
   |    next 15 »
NOWPRINT. NOWPRINT. Clemclone, back to the shadows again. -- The Firesign Theater
processing time: 0.162 [sec]

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