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134 results German - English substring search »
Paar {n}   -   pair
gleich   -   pair
Grenzpaar {n}   -   bound pair
Leiterpaar {n}   -   wire pair
[ Personenname ]   -   Pair
Zange {f}   -   tongs (a pair of)
das Au-Pair-Mädchen   -   au pair
eine Zange {f}   -   a pair of tongs
das Minimalpaar   -   minimal pair
eine Hose   -   a pair of trousers
Paarbildung {f}   -   pair production
Zwillingspaar {n}   -   pair of twins
eine Schere   -   a pair of scissors
Zweigespann {n}   -   carriage and pair
Doppelkabel {n}   -   twisted pair cable
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "Say, you look pretty athletic. What say we put a pair of tennis shoes on you and run you into the wall?"
processing time: 0.774 [sec]

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