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56 results German - English substring search »
welche   -   which
Substrat, Grundsubstanz   -   substrate, substance on which an enzyme acts (medical)
welche; welch; welcher   -   which
innerhalb welcher   -   within which
in Ermangelung von   -   failing which
buchbar auf   -   which can be posted to
Blepharitis oleosa   -   greasy blepharitis, blepharitis oleosa- a form of blepharitis squamosa in which a yellow,waxy crust forms about the bases of the cilia (medical)
einzeln oder insgesamt   -   any or all of which
welche ausgestellt werden   -   which are issued
die Form, in der sie empfangen worden sind   -   the form in which they are received
welche erforderlich sind   -   which are necessary
auf denen sie beruhen   -   on which they are based
die ermächtigt ist, zu zahlen   -   which is authorized to pay
die gezahlt werden müssen   -   which shall be paid
welche; welcher; welches; der; die; das   -   which
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The man who sets out to carry a cat by its tail learns something that will always be useful and which never will grow dim or doubtful. -- Mark Twain
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