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11 results German - English substring search »
Minuten {pl}   -   minutes
Protokoll   -   minutes
Protokoll führen   -   keep the minutes
das Protokoll führen   -   take the minutes
knappe zehn Minuten   -   a bare ten minutes
Sitzungsbericht {m}   -   minutes of proceedings
das Protokoll führen   -   to keep the minutes
Verhandlungsprotokoll {n}   -   minutes of the proceedings
Der Bus kommt alle 10 Minuten.   -   There's a bus every 10 minutes.
Wir kommen gleich nach.   -   We will follow in a couple of minutes.
in den kleinsten Einzelheiten   -   in the minutest details
You can get *anywhere* in ten minutes if you drive fast enough.
processing time: 0.045 [sec]

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