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15 results German - English substring search »
während   -   during
während [prp.]   -   during
tagsüber   -   during the day
[ Personenname ]   -   During
unterjährig   -   during the period
unterjährig   -   during the fiscal year
epidurale Injektion, extradurale Injektion   -   epidural injection, a painkiller given during childbirth (medical)
während des Transports   -   during the carriage
in der Woche; unter der Woche   -   during the week
(Ernennung) auf Lebenszeit   -   during good behavior (behaviour)
während der vergangenen zwei Monate   -   during the past two months
Kanzlerbonus {m}   -   advantage of being the incumbent chancellor during elections
andauernde   -   enduringly
Ausdauer {f}   -   enduringness
bleibend; andauernd   -   enduring
job interview, n.: The excruciating process during which personnel officers separate the wheat from the chaff -- then hire the chaff.
processing time: 0.053 [sec]

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