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276 results German - English substring search »
schön, nett, bsch   -   nice
Ende, beenden, erledigen, fertigstellen, Abschluss   -   finish
Schaum, Abschaum   -   scum
Abhang, abschrägen   -   slope
Ekel, Abscheu   -   disgust
Ende {n}; Abschluss {m}   -   finish
bsch   -   nifty
schön, bsch   -   pretty
Abschaum, abschäumen   -   scum
Geschäft, Abschluss   -   deal
bsch   -   bonnie
bsche   -   bonny
Urlaub {m}; Abschied {m}   -   leave
Abschaum {m}   -   scum
Abszeß   -   abscess, bloating, swelling (medical)
   |    next 15 »
Animals can be driven crazy by putting too many in too small a pen. Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself. -- Lazarus Long
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