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123 results German - English substring search »
BSG, Blutsenkungsgeschwindigkeit [med.]   -   BSR, blood sedimentation rate
Blut {n}   -   blood
Albumin, Eiweißkörper   -   albumin, water-soluble blood protein (medical)
Glykämia, Glukose im Blut   -   glycemia, sugar in the blood (medical)
Hämolyse, Hämatozytolyse, Hämocytolysis, Erythrolyse   -   hemolysis, destruction of red blood cells (medical)
Alkalosis   -   alkalosis, high blood alkalinity (medical)
Hyperämie   -   hyperemia, excess of blood in a part (medical)
Blutbank {f}   -   blood bank
Hämopathie, Hämatopathie   -   hemopathy, blood disease (medical)
Blutprobe {f}   -   blood test
Hämoglobin, Chromoproteid des Blutes   -   hemoglobin, blood chromoproteid (medical)
Komplement, Serumbestandteil, spezifische Wirkung eines Antikörpers   -   complement, a collection of around 20 blood proteins (medical)
Hypercalcämie, erhöhter Kalziummangel im Blutserum   -   calcemia, excess blood calcium, calcaemia (medical)
[ Personenname ]   -   Blood
Bakteriämie, Vorhandensein von Bakterien im Blut   -   bacteriemia, bacteria in the blood, bacteriotoxemia, bacteraemia (medical)
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Nachman's Rule: When it comes to foreign food, the less authentic the better. -- Gerald Nachman
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