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25 results German - English substring search »
dabei   -   there
dabei   -   withal
dabei   -   near by
dabei   -   thereby
dabei   -   in doing so
Ich bleibe dabei.   -   I stick to it.
Was ist schon dabei?   -   What of it!
Er verlor dabei.   -   He came off a loser.
vorausgesetzt, dass dabei   -   provided that in doing so
dabei sein; dabeisein [alt]   -   to be present
Belassen wir es dabei.   -   Let's leave it at that.
dabei gewesen; dabeigewesen [alt]   -   been present
Kosten die dabei anfallen   -   costs thereby incurred
Dabei kriege ich Gänsehaut.   -   It gives me the creeps.
Ich dachte mir nichts dabei.   -   I meant no harm by it.
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