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16 results German - English substring search »
Absetzung {f}   -   degradation
Degradation, Abbau   -   degradation, breakdown (medical)
Abbau, thermisch {m}   -   thermal degradation
Degradierung {f}   -   degradation
Abbauprodukt   -   degradation product, product of catabolic (medical)
thermischer Abbau   -   thermal degradation
der Abbaubarkeitstest   -   degradation test
Enzymabbau   -   enzyme degradation (medical)
Harnstoffspaltung   -   urine degradation (medical)
anärober Abbau   -   anaerobic degradation (medical)
Abbaustoffwechsel, Katabolismus   -   catabolic degradation (medical)
abiotische Zersetzung   -   abiotic degradation (medical)
- Abbau von Xenobiotika codierende Gene   -   gene coding for degradation of xenobiotics (medical)
Absetzungen {pl}   -   degradations
Degradierungen {pl}   -   degradations
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"I may kid around about drugs, but really, I take them seriously." -- Doctor Graper
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