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41 results German - English substring search »
Dienste {pl}   -   services
bezahlte Dienste   -   paid services
soziale Dienste   -   social services
Netzwerk-Dienste   -   network-service
Banken, welche die Dienste in Anspruch nehmen   -   banks utilising the services
Zentrale Dienste   -   Central Services Unit
hilfreiche sonstige Dienste   -   auxiliaries
die Dienste anderer Banken   -   the services of other banks
sich der Dienste einer anderen Bank bedient   -   uses the services of another bank
Verdienste {pl}   -   merits
Verdienste, Einkünfte   -   earnings
Wachdienste {pl}   -   sentries
Bedienstete   -   attendants
Bedienstete {m,f}   -   attendant
Diensteid, Amtseid   -   oath of office
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If some people didn't tell you, you'd never know they'd been away on vacation.
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