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303 results German - English substring search »
Halb-   -   demi
Brett, Tafel, Verpflegung, Gremium   -   board
Forum, Gremium, Taefelung   -   panel
Grad, Rang, akademischer Grad   -   degree
Remis {n} (Schach)   -   draw
Brett {n}; Tafel {f}; Tisch {m}; Verpflegung {f}; Gremium {n}   -   board
Forum {n}; Gremium {n}; Täfelung {f}   -   panel
Gremium   -   body
Halb...   -   demi
halb...   -   semi
träge   -   remiss
Anämie, Blutarmut   -   anemia
ausgeben, in Umlauf setzen   -   emit
bemisst   -   rates
Bonus, Praemie, Privision   -   premium
   |    next 15 »
It is so stupid of modern civilisation to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it. -- Ronald Knox, "Let Dons Delight"
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