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20 results German - English substring search »
Enzym {n}   -   enzyme
Enzym   -   enzyme (medical)
Enzyme, Enzymen   -   enzymes
Enzyme {pl}   -   enzymes
Coenzym, Coferment   -   coenzyme, organic nonprotein molecule (medical)
Substrat, Grundsubstanz   -   substrate, substance on which an enzyme acts (medical)
enzymatisch   -   enzymatic
enzymatisch   -   fermentative
Apoenzym [med.]   -   apoenzyme
Holoenzym [med.]   -   holoenzyme
die Amylase   -   amylolytic enzyme
Enzymaktivität, enzymatische Aktivität, Triebfähigkeit   -   enzyme activity, enzymatic activity (medical)
Enzymsynthese, enzymatische Synthese, Enzymbiosynthese   -   enzymic synthesis, enzymic biosynthesis, enzymatic synthesis (medical)
Enzymhydrolyse, enzymatischer Aufschluss, enzymatische Hydrolyse   -   enzyme hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis (medical)
Schlüsselenzym [med.]   -   key enzyme
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"The vast majority of successful major crimes against property are perpetrated by individuals abusing positions of trust." -- Lawrence Dalzell
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