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148 results German - English substring search »
FFT, Fast Fourier Transformation   -   FFT, Fast Fourier Transformation
fest   -   fast
fast   -   almost
schnell   -   fast
Eilzug   -   fast train
Renner   -   fast seller
schnell; fest   -   fast
beinahe; fast   -   almost
der D-Zug   -   fast train
farbecht   -   colour fast
fast nie   -   hardly ever
fast; beinahe   -   nearly
Leb schnell, lieb heftig, stirb jung.   -   Live fast, love hard, die young.
[ Personenname ]   -   Fast
sattelfest   -   saddle fast
   |    next 15 »
In this world some people are going to like me and some are not. So, I may as well be me. Then I know if someone likes me, they like me.
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