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19 results German - English substring search »
flugs; schnell   -   quickly
Umbuchung {f} eines Flugs   -   change in booking
Flugsteig, Pforte, Tor   -   gate
Fahrkarte, Flugschein, Eintrittskarte   -   ticket
Flugzeug, Luftfahrzeug, Fluggerät, Flugsystem   -   aircraft
Flugblatt, Flugschrift, Broschüre   -   pamphlet
Flugsport, Luftfahrt   -   aviation
Flugzeug {n}; Luftfahrzeug {n}; Fluggerät {n}; Flugsystem {n}   -   aircraft
Flugsport {m}; Luftfahrt {f}   -   aviation
Flugschrift {f}   -   pamphlet
Flugstrecke   -   air route
Flugsand {m}   -   wind borne sand
Flugstrecke {f}   -   flight route
Einflugschneise {f}   -   entry lane
Flugstrecken {pl}   -   flight routes
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Burke's Postulates: Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about. Don't create a problem for which you do not have the answer.
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