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86 results German - English substring search »
Formel, Rezpt   -   formula
Formel, Schema, Rezept   -   formula
Formel {f}   -   formula
Formel {f}; Schema {n}; Rezept {n}   -   formula
Segerformel {f}   -   Seger formula
Formelregister   -   formula index
Glasurversatz {m}   -   glaze formula
Erfolgsrezept   -   formula for success
Zeitberechnungsformel   -   time formula
Mischungsvorschrift {f}   -   mixing formula
Zuweisungsschlüssel   -   allocation formula
Abschreibungsformel   -   depreciation formula
Verteilungsschlüssel {m}   -   allocation formula
Zauberformel {f}   -   spell; charm; magic formula
Zuteilungsschlüssel   -   apportionment formula
   |    next 15 »
Winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat.
processing time: 0.298 [sec]

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