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32 results German - English substring search »
Grenze   -   frontier
Grenze {f} (eines Landes)   -   frontier
Landesgrenze {f}   -   frontier
Grenzstadt {f}   -   frontier town
Grenzschutz {m}; Grenzpolizei {f}   -   frontier police
Zollgrenze {f}   -   customs frontier
an der Grenze   -   at the frontier
Grenzgänger {m}   -   frontier commuter
Grenzschutz {m}   -   frontier protection
Grenzarbeitnehmer   -   frontier worker
grenzüberschreitend   -   cross-frontier
Grenzüberschreitung   -   frontier crossing
geliefert Grenze   -   delivered at frontier
- :   -   EFF : Electronic Frontier Foundation
an der Grenze   -   on the border; at the frontier
   |    next 15 »
Whenever someone tells you to take their advice, you can be pretty sure that they're not using it.
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