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30 results German - English substring search »
Fuchs {m}   -   fox
Fuchs {m} (Abgaskanal eines Brennofens)   -   flue
Fuchs-   -   vulpine
Fuchs...   -   vulpine
schlauer Fuchs   -   shifter
[ Personenname ]   -   Fuchs
Großer Fuchs (Schmetterling)   -   large tortoiseshell
der Fuchs als Fabeltier   -   the fox (as he appears) in fables
einem alten Fuchs neue Tricks beibringen   -   to teach your grandma to suck eggs
wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen   -   in the middle of nowhere; in the sticks
fuchsartig   -   foxy
Fuchsie {f}   -   fuchsia
fuchsrot   -   foxy red
fuchsartig   -   vulpine
Fuchsien {pl}   -   fuchsias
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Lay on, MacDuff, and curs'd be him who first cries, "Hold, enough!". -- Shakespeare
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