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17 results German - English substring search »
Grammatik, Sprachlehre   -   grammar
Grammatik {f}   -   grammar
Gymnasium, Oberschule (Br.)   -   grammar school
Gymnasien   -   grammar schools
Kasusgrammatik   -   case grammar
Sprachregel {f}   -   rule of grammar
Sprachregeln {pl}   -   rules of grammar
Mittelschule {f}   -   grammar school (Am.)
Beispiel-Grammatik   -   reference grammar
der Gymnasiallehrer, die Gymnasiallehrerin   -   grammar school teacher
Gymnasien {pl}   -   secondary schools; grammar schools
Gymnasium {n}   -   secondary school; grammar school [Br.]
taxonomische (=segmentierend-klassifizierende) Grammatik   -   taxonomic grammar
Grammatiken {pl}   -   grammars
Grammatiker {m}   -   grammarian
   |    next 15 »
Theory of Selective Supervision: The one time in the day that you lean back and relax is the one time the boss walks through the office.
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