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109 results German - English substring search »
Gras {n}   -   grass
Gras {n}   -   herbage
[ Personenname ]   -   Gras
die Gänseleberpastete   -   foie gras
Er glaubt, das Gras wachsen zu hören .   -   He thinks he's the cat's meow.
ins Gras beißen; sterben   -   to bite the dust
Fastnacht {f}; Fastnachtsdienstag {n}   -   Shrove Tuesday; Mardi Gras [Am.]
Darüber ist längst Gras gewachsen.   -   That's dead and burried (over and done with).
grast   -   grazes
Griff {m}   -   grasp
packt   -   grasps
Rasen {m}   -   grass
\n   -   grasitud \n
grasig   -   grassy
grast   -   browses
   |    next 15 »
As crazy as hauling timber into the woods. -- Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)
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