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88 results German - English substring search »
HIV-negativ   -   HIV-negative
Pandemie des HIV   -   HIV virus pandemic
HIV-Test   -   HIV screening test (medical)
enteropathisches AIDS, Aufbrauchkrankheit   -   enteropathic AIDS, HIV wasting syndrome, slim disease (medical)
humanes Immunschwächevirus, HIV   -   HIV human immunodeficiency virus (medical)
HIV : Virus der Immunschwächekrankheit   -   HIV : Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
HIV-Infektion im asymptomatischen Stadium   -   an asymptomatic infection (medical)
Protease-Hemmer   -   protease inhibitor a drug that binds to & blocks HIV protease from working (medical)
Archiv, archivieren   -   archive
zittern   -   shiver
Archiv   -   archives
Archiv {n}   -   archive
fiebrig   -   shivery
Archive   -   archives
Rummel {m}   -   shivaree
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Rules for Academic Deans: (1) HIDE!!!! (2) If they find you, LIE!!!! -- Father Damian C. Fandal
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