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103 results German - English substring search »
Kai {m}   -   quay
Kai {m}   -   wharf
ab Kai   -   ex quay
am Kai   -   on the quay
am Kai   -   on the wharf
[ Personenname ]   -   Kai
Eindämmung {f}; Deich {m}; Damm {m}; Kai {m}   -   embankment
ab Kai (verzollt)   -   ex quay (duty paid)
kein bestimmter Kai   -   no particular quay
ab Kai Lieferung   -   delivery from the quay
Eindaemmung; Deich; Damm; Kai   -   embankment
- : frei auf den Kai   -   f.o.q. : free of quay
die Ware vom Kai abtransportieren   -   remove the goods from the quay
Kaie   -   wharfs
Kais   -   wharfs
   |    next 15 »
There you go man, Keep as cool as you can. It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave. Keep on being free!
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