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7 results German - English substring search »
Klavikulaverrenkung, Luxatio claviculae   -   luxation of the clavicle (medical)
unilaterale Verrenkung, Subluxation   -   unilateral subluxation, dislocation (medical)
Patellaluxation, Luxatio patellae   -   luxation of the patella (medical)
kapsuläre Distentionsluxation   -   distension luxation (medical)
Verrenkung, Luxation   -   luxation dislocation of a bone from its joint (medical)
unvollständige Verrenkung   -   subluxation - abnormal movement of a joint, an incomplete dislocation (medical)
teratologische Hueftluxation, echte angeborene Hueftluxation   -   teratological dislocation of the hip (medical)
Work Hard. Rock Hard. Eat Hard. Sleep Hard. Grow Big. Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em. -- The Webb Wilder Credo
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