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11 results German - English substring search »
Erlöschen {n} eines Patents   -   expiration of a patent
Inhaber eines Patents, Patentinhaber   -   owner of a patent
Inhaber eines Patents   -   holder of a patent
Erteilung eines Patents   -   grant of a patent
Vorbenutzung eines Patents   -   prior use (jur.)
Verfall eines Patents   -   forfeiture of a patent
Erlöschen eines Patents   -   expiration of a patent
Einspruch gegen die Erneuerung eines Patents   -   caveat
Patentschriften {pl}   -   specifications
Patentschutz {m}   -   protection by patent
Patentschrift {f}   -   patent specification
The more we disagree, the more chance there is that at least one of us is right.
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