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16 results German - English substring search »
Philosoph {m}   -   philosopher
Philosophie {f}   -   philosophy
philosophisch   -   philosophic
philosophieren   -   philosophize
philosophiert   -   philosophizes
philosophierte   -   philosophized
philosophischen   -   philosophical
philosophierend   -   philosophizing
philosophische   -   philosophically
- : Magister {m} der Philosophie   -   MA : Master of Arts
Weltanschauung {f}   -   philosophy (of life)
- : Bakkalaureus {m} der Philosophie   -   BA : Bachelor of Arts
Dr. phil. : Doktor der Philosophie   -   DPhil, PhD, DPh : Doctor of Philosophy
Vertriebsphilosophie   -   marketing philosophy
Doktor der Philosophie   -   doctor of philosophy
   |    next 15 »
"The vast majority of successful major crimes against property are perpetrated by individuals abusing positions of trust." -- Lawrence Dalzell
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