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89 results German - English substring search »
schult um   -   retrains
schult   -   indoctrinates
schult um   -   re-educates
Schultüte {f}   -   schoolcone
Schultüte {f}   -   paper funnel
[ Personenname ]   -   Schult
Schultüte {f}   -   A long pointed cone made of cardboard and filled with sweets or small presents. Given to children on their first school day.
Achsel, Schulter   -   shoulder
Achsel {f}; Schulter {f}   -   shoulder
Achseln, Schulter   -   shoulders
Schulter {f}   -   humeral
Achseln {pl}; Schultern {pl}   -   shoulders
Schräge {f} der Felgenschulter   -   rim taper
Schulter {f}   -   scapular
Schultertuch {n}   -   fichu
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Once you've tried to change the world you find it's a whole bunch easier to change your mind.
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