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351 results German - English substring search »
Stau {m}; Rückstau {m}   -   tailback
Stau {m}; Stauung {f}   -   congestion
Stau {m}   -   accumulation; pile-up
Stau {m}; Verkehrsstau {m}   -   traffic jam; traffic congestion
Damm,stauen   -   dam
Dämme,staut   -   dams
Staub, abstauben   -   dust
Wehr {n}; Stauwehr {n}; Fischwehr {n}; Reuse {f}   -   weir
Busch, Staude   -   shrub
Dämme {f}; staut   -   dams
Flaum, Staubflocke   -   fluff
Staub {m}   -   dust
Busch {m}; Staude {f}   -   shrub
Flaum {m}; Staubflocke {f}   -   fluff
Wehre {pl}; Stauwehre {pl}; Fischwehre {pl}; Reusen {pl}   -   weirs
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Flugg's Law: When you need to knock on wood is when you realize that the world is composed of vinyl, naugahyde and aluminum.
processing time: 0.95 [sec]

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