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24 results German - English substring search »
Teil, Einzelteil   -   part
Teil {m,n}; Rolle {f}   -   part
Teil {m,n}   -   scrap
Teil {m,n}   -   tract
Handel {m}; Abkommen {n}; Menge {f}; Teil {n}   -   deal
Teil {m,n}   -   detail
Los {n}; Schicksal {n}; Anteil {m}   -   lot
Kopf, Haupt, Abteilungsleiter   -   head
Gesäß, Hintern, Hinterteil   -   butt, buttocks, rear end, heinie, tush, ass, arse, backside (medical)
Grad, Stufe, Qualität, einteilen, abstufen, Rang, Klasse   -   grade
Recht {m}; Anteil {m}; Schuld {f}   -   due
teils   -   part
Form {f}; Gestalt {f}; Profilteil {n}   -   shape
Mündel, Abteilung   -   ward
Quote, Anteil   -   quota
   |    next 15 »
It's reassuring to know that if you behave strangely enough, society will take full responsibility for you.
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