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70 results German - English substring search »
nach dem Tode   -   beyond the veil
zu Tode langweilen   -   to bore to death
Alter beim Tode, Sterbealter   -   age at death (medical)
grausam zu Tode kommen   -   to die a horrible death
sich zu Tode arbeiten   -   to work oneself to death
himmelhoch jauchzend, zu Tode betrübt   -   up one minute - down the next
sich zu Tode langweilen   -   to be bored out of one's mind
Er entging knapp dem Tode.   -   He just escaped being killed.
sich zu Tode grämen   -   to die of a broken heart; to pine away
Todestag {m}   -   obit
Katode {f}   -   cathode
Todesfälle {f}   -   death
Todesfee {f}   -   banshee
Todeskampf {m}   -   agony
Todesarten {pl}; Todesfälle {pl}   -   deaths
   |    next 15 »
Hoffer's Discovery: The grand act of a dying institution is to issue a newly revised, enlarged edition of the policies and procedures manual.
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