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273 results German - English substring search »
treu, ergeben   -   loyal
treu   -   trusty
treu   -   abidingly
treu   -   faithful (to)
nicht treu   -   unfaithful
wahr; echt; treu   -   true
treu und brav   -   faithfully
treu {adv}   -   faithfully; loyally
treu; ergeben   -   devoted (to)
treu geblieben   -   uncompromised
treu; treugesinnt   -   loyal (to)
in Treu und Glauben   -   in good faith
jemandem treu bleiben   -   to be faithful to someone
nach Treu und Glauben handeln   -   act in good faith
jemandem treu ergeben sein   -   to be devoted to someone
   |    next 15 »
He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. -- Lao Tsu
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