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26 results German - English substring search »
Wachstumsökonomie   -   economics of growth
Struktur des Wachstums   -   pattern of growth
Wachstums...; Entwicklungs...   -   developmentally
Beschleunigung des Wachstums   -   acceleration of growth
Wachstumsrate   -   growth rate
Wachstumswert {m}   -   growth stock
Wachstumsziel, angestrebtes Wachstum   -   growth target
Wachstumsrate   -   expansion rate
Wachstumspolitik   -   growth policy
Wachstumsrate   -   rate if increase
Wachstumsrate   -   rate of increase
Wachstumsphase   -   period of growth
Wachstumsstillstand, Nullwachstum   -   zero growth
wachstumsfähig   -   capable of growth
Wachstumsfaktor   -   factor of growth
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"It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and I'm wearing Milkbone underware." -- Norm, from _Cheers_
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