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288 results German - English substring search »
Wind {m}   -   wind
drehen   -   to wind {wound; wound}
auflösen   -   wind up
abwickeln   -   wind up
Bläser {m} (Musik)   -   wind player
Luftröhre   -   wind-pipe
wickeln {v}   -   to wind up
die Böe   -   gust of wind
aufspulen {v}   -   to wind up
aufwickeln   -   to wind up
wickeln (um)   -   to wind {wound; wound} (round)
[ Personenname ]   -   Wind
BSG, Blutsenkungsgeschwindigkeit [med.]   -   BSR, blood sedimentation rate
Los, verschwinden wir!   -   Quick, let's beat it!
Falte {f}; Strähne {f}; Lage {f}; Schicht {f}; Windung {f} (Technik)   -   ply
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"The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, `What does woman want?'" -- Sigmund Freud
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