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25 results German - English substring search »
Schauspieler {pl}   -   actors
Faktoren {pl}   -   factors
Traktoren {pl}; Zugmaschinen {pl}   -   tractors
psychomotorisch   -   psychomotor, involving motor effects of mental activity, deriving from mental and motor factors (medical)
Radschlepper {pl}   -   wheeled tractors
Unterlieferanten {pl}   -   subcontractors
Bauunternehmer {pl}   -   building contractors
Bauunternehmern   -   building contractors
Thymusfaktoren [med.]   -   thymus factors
Sicherheitsfaktoren   -   factors of safety
Umwelteinflüsse   -   environmental factors
Produktionsfaktoren   -   production factors
Wachstumsfaktoren [med.]   -   growth factors
Beurteilungskriterien {pl}   -   appraisal factors
Anthropotechnik {f}   -   human factors technology
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Peterson's Admonition: When you think you're going down for the third time -- just remember that you may have counted wrong.
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