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68 results German - English substring search »
[ Personenname ]   -   Alpha
Alphäingabe   -   alpha input
Fehler erster Art   -   alpha error
Alpha-Interferon, Leukozyten-Interferon, Interferon-alpha, IFN-alpha   -   leucocyte interferon, lymphoblast interferon, alpha interferon (medical)
Brenztraubensäure, 2-Oxopropansäure, Acidum pyrouvicum, Acidum pyruvicum, Azetylameisensäure, Azetylkarbonsäure, Alpha-Ketopropionsäure   -   pyruvic acid (medical)
AFP - Alpha Fetoprotein [med.]   -   AFP - alpha fetoprotein
Alphabet {n}   -   alphabet
Analphabet {m}   -   illiterate
alphabetisch   -   alphabetic
alphabetisch   -   alphabetical
Alphaeingabe {f}   -   alpha input
Analphabeten {pl}   -   illiterates
alphabetisch   -   alphabetically
alphabetisiert   -   alphabetized
Alphanumerik {f}   -   alphanumerics
   |    next 15 »
The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.
processing time: 0.298 [sec]

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