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18 results German - English substring search »
Anrede {f}   -   salutation
Anschrift {f}; Ansprache {f}; Anrede {f}; Gewandtheit {f}   -   address
Formen der Anrede   -   forms of address
Anschrift; Ansprache; Anrede; Gewandtheit   -   adress
anreden   -   to address
junge (anrede)   -   kiddy
Anredetext, Adressentext   -   address text
Anredetext {m}; Adressentext {m}   -   address text
anreden als   -   to address as
Adressschlüssel, Anredeschlüssel   -   address code
Hochwürden (Anrede)   -   reverend
lebhaft anreden   -   apostrophize
Adressschlüssel {m}; Anredeschlüssel {m}   -   address code
anreden (als)   -   to address (as)
Schnuckelchen (Anrede, ugs.)   -   babe (coll.)
   |    next 15 »
Just weigh your own hurt against the hurt of all the others, and then do what's best. -- Lovers and Other Strangers
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