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18 results German - English substring search »
Gerät   -   appliance
Vorrichtung {f}; Gerät {n}   -   appliance
die Anwendung   -   appliance
Hausgerät {n}   -   household appliance
Elektrogerät   -   electric appliance
Elektrogerät {m}   -   electric appliance
Haushaltsgerät   -   household appliance
Haushaltsgeräteindustrie   -   appliance industry
Haushaltsgeräteindustrie {f}   -   appliance industry
Haushaltsgerätehersteller   -   appliance manufacturer
Haushaltsgerätehersteller {m}   -   appliance manufacturer
Haushaltsgerät {n}   -   household appliance; domestic appliance
manueller Apparat für Reanimation   -   manual resuscitation appliance (medical)
Apparat zum Aufrichten des Kopfes und Wirbelsäule   -   appliance for straightening the head and spine (medical)
Vorrichtungen {pl}   -   appliances
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Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?
processing time: 3.226 [sec]

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