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232 results German - English substring search »
Baum {m}   -   tree
Baum {m}; Spiere {f} (Schiff)   -   boom
[ Personenname ]   -   Baum
junger Baum; junge Bäume   -   sapling
An der Frucht erkennt man den Baum.   -   The tree is known by its fruit.
wählen zwischen Baum und Borke   -   to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea
Birne {f}; Birnbaum {m}   -   pear
Kiefer {f} (Baum)   -   pine
Stamm {m}; Baumstamm {m}; Rumpf {m}   -   trunk
Stumpf {m}; Baumstupf {m}   -   stub
baumeln   -   dangle
baumelt   -   dangles
Baumrinde {f}   -   bark
Baumstamm {m}   -   bole
Baumstamm, Koffer, Rumpf   -   trunk
   |    next 15 »
Information Processing: What you call data processing when people are so disgusted with it they won't let it be discussed in their presence.
processing time: 0.667 [sec]

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