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8 results German - English substring search »
verursacht durch   -   caused
bewirkte; veranlasste   -   caused
Dermatophytie, Hautpilzerkrankung   -   dermatophytosis, an infection caused by dermatophytes, ringworm (medical)
verursachter Schaden   -   damage caused
Verzugsschaden   -   damage caused by delay
Bubonenpest, Beulenpest, Drüsenpest   -   bubonic plague an acute febrile, infectious fatal disease caused by the bacillus Yersinia pestis (medical)
durch ärztliche Einwirkung entstanden.   -   iatrogenic, doctor-caused disease-related (medical)
nicht verursacht   -   uncaused
O, it is excellent To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous To use it like a giant. -- Shakespeare, "Measure for Measure", II, 2
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