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62 results German - English substring search »
Zelle   -   cell
Zygote, befruchtete Eizelle   -   zygote, fertilized ovum, the cell resulting from the union of a male and a female gamete (medical)
Eizelle {f}   -   egg cell
Bitzelle {f}   -   bit-cell
Bitzellen   -   bit-cell
T-Lymphozyt, T-Zelle   -   T cell, thymus-dependent cell, thymus-dependent (medical)
zellfrei   -   cell-free
Speicherzelle {f}; Zelle {f}   -   cell
Zellwand {f}   -   cell wand
Keimzelle {f}   -   germ cell
Zytoplasma, Grundplasma Zelle   -   cytoplasm, main part of a cell's contents (medical)
B-Zelle [med.]   -   B-cell
Solarzelle {f}   -   solar cell
Zellkern {m}   -   cell nucleus
Zellkerne {pl}   -   cell nuclei
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Death is life's way of telling you you've been fired. -- R. Geis
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