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18 results German - English substring search »
Gegensatz, entgegensetzen   -   contrast
Kontrast {m}   -   contrast
Gegensatz {m}   -   contrast
kontrastarm   -   low-contrast
Wechselbad {n}   -   contrast bath
abstechen   -   to contrast with
Einfärbung {f}   -   contrast level
Farbkontrast   -   colour contrast
Kontrasteinlauf, KE [med.]   -   contrast enema
Kontrastmittel   -   contrast medium, barium or iodine contrast medium (medical)
das Kontrastsignal   -   print contrast signal
Kontrastentscheidung {f}   -   accentuated contrast
zum Unterschied von   -   in contrast to; unlike
(Farbe) absetzen von; gegen   -   to set off against; to contrast with
vergleichbar   -   contrastable
   |    next 15 »
It's interesting to think that many quite distinguished people have bodies similar to yours.
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