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19 results German - English substring search »
Gespräch {n}   -   conversation
Unterhaltung {f}   -   conversation
Unterhaltung {f}; Gespräch {n}   -   conversation
Konversation {f}   -   conversation; colloquy
Gesprächsstoff {m}   -   topics of conversation
salopper Umgangston   -   casual conversation
Telefongespräch {n}   -   telephone conversation
der Gesprächsstoff   -   topics of conversation
vertrauliches Gespräch   -   private conversation
ein Gespräch führen   -   to conduct a conversation
Gespräch in Gang halten   -   support the conversation
Unterhaltung {f}   -   conversations
Plauderer {f}   -   conversationalist
Unterhaltungen {pl}; Gespräche {pl}   -   conversations
dialogorientiert   -   conversational
   |    next 15 »
inbox, n.: A catch basin for everything you don't want to deal with, but are afraid to throw away.
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