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28 results German - English substring search »
Hohlgebiss {n}   -   curb bit
[ Personenname ]   -   Curb
Kandare {f}   -   curb; bridlebit
Bordstein {m}; Randstein {m}   -   curb; curbstone
zügeln; im Zaum halten   -   to curb
Aufkantung (am Fundament) {f}   -   foundation curb
jemanden an die Kandare nehmen   -   to curb someone; to keep someone tight
zügelt   -   curbs
zügelte   -   curbed
zügelnd   -   curbing
Kuerbis   -   cucurbit
Kürbis {m}; Kürbisgewächs {n}   -   cucurbit
zügellos   -   uncurbed
Kuerbisse   -   cucurbits
Randstein {m}   -   curbstone
   |    next 15 »
As you grow older, you will still do foolish things, but you will do them with much more enthusiasm. -- The Cowboy
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