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24 results German - English substring search »
Dritte, dritte, Drittel   -   third
Dritte {m}; Drittel {n}   -   third
dritte Potenz {f}   -   cube
Dritte (jur.)   -   third party
Dritte (jur.) {m}   -   third party
Prothese, dritte Zähne, die Dritten (pl.)   -   full set of dentures, false teeth (medical)
dritte Ausfertigung   -   triplicate
dritte; dritter; drittel   -   third
Wahl für die dritte Amtsperiode   -   election for the third term
drittens   -   thirdly
ein Drittel   -   one third
dritteln; drittes   -   thirds
mittleres Drittel   -   middle third
an einen Dritten   -   to a third party
Zweidrittelmehrheit {f}   -   two third majority
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: Talent does what it can, genius what it must. I do what I get paid to do.
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