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22 results German - English substring search »
Fiedel, die   -   fiddle
Geige {f}   -   fiddle
Fiedel {f}   -   fiddle
fiedeln   -   fiddle
schwindeln, manipulieren, betrügen   -   fiddle
Schiffsgeländer {n}   -   fiddle
herumspielen   -   fiddle about
vertrödeln   -   to fiddle away
kungeln (mit)   -   to fiddle (with)
an etwas tüfteln   -   to fiddle about with
gut in Form; kerngesund   -   fit as a fiddle
faule Geschäfte machen   -   fiddle with money
herumtrödeln   -   to fiddle aroung; to fiddle about
Er ist gesund wie ein Fisch im Wasser.   -   He's as fit as a fiddle.
herumhantieren (mit); herumfummeln (mit); herumpfuschen (an)   -   to fiddle around (with)
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Sigmund Freud is alleged to have said that in the last analysis the entire field of psychology may reduce to biological electrochemistry.
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