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36 results German - English substring search »
folgt   -   ensues
folgt   -   follows
der Schluss folgt   -   to be concluded
Fortsetzung folgt   -   to be continued
folgendermaßen; wie folgt   -   as follows
daraus folgt dass   -   from this it follows that
Forts.f. : Fortsetzung folgt   -   to be contd : to be continued
Mein Hund folgt mir auf Schritt und Tritt.   -   My dog follows me whereever I go.
folgte   -   ensued
gefolgt   -   ensued
gefolgt   -   suited
verfolgt   -   besets
verfolgt   -   haunts
gefolgt   -   followed
verfolgt   -   pursued
   |    next 15 »
If it's working, the diagnostics say it's fine. If it's not working, the diagnostics say it's fine. -- A proposed addition to rules for realtime programming
processing time: 0.169 [sec]

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