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21 results German - English substring search »
gewandte   -   adroitly
gewandte   -   dexterously
gewandtere   -   more agile
gewandteste   -   most agile
redegewandtere   -   more eloquent
redegewandteste   -   most eloquent
angewandte Logik   -   applied logic
angewandte Funktion   -   applied function
angewandte Forschung   -   applied research
angewandter Befehl   -   applied instruction
schlagfertiger; wortgewandtere   -   glibber
angewandte Statistik   -   applied statistics
angewandte Mathematik   -   applied mathematics
angewandte Psychologie   -   applied psychology
angewandte Wissenschaften   -   applied sciences
   |    next 15 »
All things are either sacred or profane. The former to ecclesiasts bring gain; The latter to the devil appertain. -- Dumbo Omohundro
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