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188 results German - English substring search »
Fell, Haut   -   skin
haut   -   hews
Haut, Fell, abhäuten   -   skin
Fell {n}; Haut {f}   -   skin
Haut {f}; Fell {n}   -   skin
Haut {f}   -   dermal
Haut {f}   -   dermis
haut ab   -   scoots
haut ab   -   scrams
Haut {f}   -   cutaneous
Haut; Fell   -   skin
kutan, Haut-,   -   cutaneous, skin-related (medical)
Haut {f}   -   integument
Zyanose, Blaufärbung der Haut   -   cyanosis, bluish skin (medical)
Haut, die   -   pelt (UK-slang)
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Bennett's Laws of Horticulture: (1) Houses are for people to live in. (2) Gardens are for plants to live in. (3) There is no such thing as a houseplant.
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