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171 results German - English substring search »
Hit {m}   -   hit
treffen, schlagen, Treffer, Schlager   -   hit
Treffer {m}; Stoß {m}; Hieb {m}   -   hit
Knueller   -   big hit
Knüller {m}   -   big hit
flüchtig   -   hit and run
Tiefschlag {m}   -   deep hit
Trefferliste {f}   -   hit-list
Trefferquote {f}   -   hit ratio
Volltreffer {m}   -   direct hit
sw, s/w : schwarz/weiß   -   B&W, b&w, B/W : black and white
Hitze, erhitze   -   heat
Hitze, Wärme, heizen   -   heat
Hitze   -   ardor
Hitze {f}   -   heat
   |    next 15 »
Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a job? A: Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip its head off.
processing time: 1.002 [sec]

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