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15 results German - English substring search »
innen   -   indoor
Innenaufnahme   -   indoor photo
Arbeit im Hause, Hausarbeit   -   indoor work
Innendienst {m}   -   indoor service
Zimmerpflanze {f}   -   indoor plant
Zimmerantenne {f}   -   indoor aerial
Hallenbad {n}   -   indoor swimming pool
Innenwerbung   -   indoor advertising
Schwimmhalle {f}   -   indoor swimming pool
Zimmereinrichtung {f}   -   indoor furnishing
Hallenschwimmbad {n}   -   indoor swimming pool
innen   -   indoors
im Hause   -   indoors
ans Haus gebunden   -   confined indoors
Freiluft und Innenraum   -   outdoors and indoors
You know that feeling when you're leaning back on a stool and it starts to tip over? Well, that's how I feel all the time. -- Steven Wright
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